Our Work

We believe in the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Take a look at some of our beloved projects. From image films to commercials, recruiting videos, presentation films, short films. 
Have fun!

Image Films

1&1 Versatel
wfg Westerwaldkreis
NM Stahlgeräte​


Play Video
BlackBee 2000 - Amazon Product Video
1&1 MyWebsite
Play Video
visionale hessen - official Trailer
Play Video
Gaffel Kölsch & Rastal
Möbel Neust GmbH

Recruiting Videos

Nimak GmbH
1&1 Design Your Career
EXEC Software

Presentation Films

Elke Gombert - SelbstSein
Anna-Marlene Wirtz - Actress
Emrah Erdogru - Actor


1&1 Versatel Glasfaser
1&1 List Local
Potter Promotion

Unstillbar - Trailer

Unstillbar is a drama short film about a woman, Patricia who is trying to free herself from the ability to completely control her feelings.

The movie was screened at multiple festivals around the world and also managed to win a couple of awards and recognition.

Corporate Showreel

A mix of shots from different projects while working with 1&1 Telecom GmbH. 

The shots in this Showreel are from projects like commercials, customer testimonials, recruiting videos, product presentation, etc.

1&1 Telecom GmbH is the copyright holder of the images in this video.

Older Showreels

Music Videos, Commercials, TV Promos - 2007-2012
TV Shows - Light Design(low resolution) 2009-2013
Shorts Film, Documentaries (low res) 2005-2008